Rev. Clara’s Birthday

Today, October 20th is my birthday. There was no birthday celebration on Friday, but thankfully he came.

Today, as always, the butlers who serve are busy serving their friends. Deacon Choi Ho-sik and Deacon Jeong Jin-wook, who are my younger brothers, seem to be punctual people. Always waiting at the shepherd's door before five o'clock exactly. He carries all the luggage in our car together and heads to the kitchen like hands, and deacon Choi is good at making carrots necessary for chicken cooking, and deacon Jeong is devoted to boiling chicken and making 60 servings of rice.

Patricia and her husband Lesley joined together to organize coffee, tea, and other pieces of bread, and to greet friends with cups of coffee, cream, and milk in a bowl, sliced onions, sliced fruits...Also, the Kim Sun sisters join and wash the salad and fruits beautifully and carefully and put them in a bowl.

Later, deacon Choi Hoe-jeong, her husband deacon Kang, and two diligent daughters rolled up their sleeves and strode the potatoes and filled the rest of the necessary parts. In addition, the two daughters carefully wrap the bowls and forks in a napkin and arrange them in a nice way, and Kim Sun's sister's daughter Briana brings a tablecloth and sets them up nicely. My son Sung-won and friends Zet and Danielle go to the media preparation and warehouse to bring tables and chairs to help prepare for the service.

Today is the day when the Pink Ladyship team serves as a shepherd's house praise service. I am always grateful. If it is late at night and the Lord is happy, all the praise teams are there without hesitation. They make our friends happy. It is reassuring to have butler Yoon Yeon-hwa, who is serving as the general manager of the shepherd's house and leads the praise team.

So today, I have a very happy birthday with the rich cake prepared by the Sunhee sisters and the pretty orange roses prepared by Theresa Sam, with all the people of all the herdsmen's houses gathered together. Jesus, standing behind their applause and congratulations, said, "Suhyun! Congratulations to me, too. You're doing a great job. I'm so happy for you!" seem to see someone do.


The Big Move


Thanksgiving Dinner